Retired Military and Contract Working Dogs available for adoption
Update October 2017:CWD Boss Dog & CWD Kazan
Retired Explosive Detection Dogs (EDD)
Contract Working Dogs (CWD) The Civilian Soldier
Returning from Afghanistan to the U.S. in a few months.
Adoption Applications being accepted now, see the above link
Retired Explosive Detection Dogs (EDD)
Contract Working Dogs (CWD) The Civilian Soldier
Returning from Afghanistan to the U.S. in a few months.
Adoption Applications being accepted now, see the above link
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Fundraising Patch for the Rescue and Bringing Home Contract Working Dogs (CWD’s)
Anyone interested in a Patch and helping contribute to offset costs for CWD Boss Dog and CWD Kazan’s transport please make a donation of your choosing and I will send you a patch, any amount helps.
These patches will be worn by the CWD on their Retired Vest.
Donations for Patches can be made at see the Donate Button and then email me with your name and address at . If you get a mail failure don’t worry, I receive the emails and have not figured out why that is happening and I will reply immediately.
All Donations will go to offset the costs of bringing CWD Boss Dog & CWD Kazan home in approximately a month or so. I am totally funding this movement from Departing Afghanistan through Adoption.
There was an issue beyond my control so the dogs will not come as they normally do as excess baggage on my ticket. They have to go Cargo which is very expensive, $4500.00 per dog.
I bring these Retired CWD’s home out of pocket, I stopped asking for donations as I am not non-profit I have my EIN# but have not filed for the non-profit rating to date for many reasons. In the past when I have tried fundraising I have gotten little to none along with some negative comments about trying to fill my pockets. I put my own money into this and it’s very expensive. Why do I do this, because I saw a need while deployed to Afghanistan and I acted on it and I wouldn’t change doing what I am doing to give these worthy souls a family and home that they deserve in Retirement.
Before anyone gets confused these dogs I bring back are NOT Military Working Dogs (MWD’s) and fall under different rules for transport. The Contract Working Dog is the Civilian Solider and is owned by a contractor and it is left up to the contractor what they do when they retire. I have been lucky to have several contractors willing to retire their CWD’s to me to find them a family and be part of that family in their retirement. CWD Boss Dog & CWD Kazan are owned by two separate contractors. The contractor and I are working through the Rescue in Afghanistan to turn over the retirees to my rescue.
Please no negative comments, I will not entertain it, you will only risk the contractor possibly deciding not to turn over their dogs for retirement in the future.
Patch Design by Dustin L.
Thank you for any consideration.
Anyone interested in a Patch and helping contribute to offset costs for CWD Boss Dog and CWD Kazan’s transport please make a donation of your choosing and I will send you a patch, any amount helps.
These patches will be worn by the CWD on their Retired Vest.
Donations for Patches can be made at see the Donate Button and then email me with your name and address at . If you get a mail failure don’t worry, I receive the emails and have not figured out why that is happening and I will reply immediately.
All Donations will go to offset the costs of bringing CWD Boss Dog & CWD Kazan home in approximately a month or so. I am totally funding this movement from Departing Afghanistan through Adoption.
There was an issue beyond my control so the dogs will not come as they normally do as excess baggage on my ticket. They have to go Cargo which is very expensive, $4500.00 per dog.
I bring these Retired CWD’s home out of pocket, I stopped asking for donations as I am not non-profit I have my EIN# but have not filed for the non-profit rating to date for many reasons. In the past when I have tried fundraising I have gotten little to none along with some negative comments about trying to fill my pockets. I put my own money into this and it’s very expensive. Why do I do this, because I saw a need while deployed to Afghanistan and I acted on it and I wouldn’t change doing what I am doing to give these worthy souls a family and home that they deserve in Retirement.
Before anyone gets confused these dogs I bring back are NOT Military Working Dogs (MWD’s) and fall under different rules for transport. The Contract Working Dog is the Civilian Solider and is owned by a contractor and it is left up to the contractor what they do when they retire. I have been lucky to have several contractors willing to retire their CWD’s to me to find them a family and be part of that family in their retirement. CWD Boss Dog & CWD Kazan are owned by two separate contractors. The contractor and I are working through the Rescue in Afghanistan to turn over the retirees to my rescue.
Please no negative comments, I will not entertain it, you will only risk the contractor possibly deciding not to turn over their dogs for retirement in the future.
Patch Design by Dustin L.
Thank you for any consideration.
Update: October 2017: CWD Rudy and CWD Storm have found their Forever Homes in the United States. Many Thanks To All Involved with this Transport... The Contractor for Retiring Rudy & Storm to this Rescue and covering all Costs for Transport/Logistics out of Afghanistan and through the retirees stay in Dubai. Nowzad For organizing all the logistics to include Medical and Transport out of Afghanistan into Dubai and the care for Rudy & Storm. DKC Kennels for all their Care of Rudy & Storm an all the Logistics of import/export documentation and delivery to the Airport. Leashes of Valor for conducting the Temperament Testing for Rudy and Storm and introducing us to Paws of Honor who conducted the Medical Evaluation on Rudy & Storm. Hover Mouse over Pictures for Details |
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Update 31 August 2017
CWD Rudy and CWD Storm have started their Journey from Afghanistan to the U.S.
Huge Thank You to the Contractor and without them non of this would be possible.
June 2017
It's been awhile but in a few months I will be bringing three Retired War Dogs home to the U. S. from Afghanistan.
I will be looking for that special family and home that fits each of these special souls
All Served as Explosive Detection Dogs (EDD) Civilian Soldiers
Click Adoption Tab above for Adoption Application
Put your mouse over each picture below for more information on each
CWD Rudy and CWD Storm have started their Journey from Afghanistan to the U.S.
Huge Thank You to the Contractor and without them non of this would be possible.
June 2017
It's been awhile but in a few months I will be bringing three Retired War Dogs home to the U. S. from Afghanistan.
I will be looking for that special family and home that fits each of these special souls
All Served as Explosive Detection Dogs (EDD) Civilian Soldiers
Click Adoption Tab above for Adoption Application
Put your mouse over each picture below for more information on each
CWD Shadow & CWD Bella found their forever homes. Enjoy your families and homes in your retirement. Please consider donating to keep bringing and finding homes for these Civilian Soldiers Home.
CWD Bella & CWD Shadow Retired arrived in the United States on 20 December 2014. Their are many to Thank and Recognize for bringing them home to the U.S. Mine & Explosive Detection Angel Paws would like to Thank Everyone who had a vital part in bringing the these 2 CWD's Home:
Transport #6 for 2 CWD's Retiring from Afghanistan to the United States is being planned and have a fundraiser site posted for the upcoming missions. This will be a General Fund for all costs required or encountered for the CWD's and will be to completion of Military Dog Adoption.
Your Donations are how we get this done, please consider Donating
No amount is too small.
Donate Button below and video from previous Transports.
Thank You!
11 Contract Working Dogs (CWD's) Retired were brought back from Afghanistan in Transports 3, 4, & 5 during September 2014
Mine & Explosive Detection Angel Paws Retirement Rescue in collaboration mission k9 rescue with brought these Civilian Soldiers home to Retire. Mission K9 Rescue is doing the Military Dog Adoptions for 9 of these CWD's and providing all the Support for Travel Crates, Kennel, Board, & Transport them when their Furever Home is found, as well they are providing all Veterinary Care for these K9's. Your donations made this possible for Mission K9 to re home 9 CWD's which was a Huge undertaking and made possible only with their and your support and your Donations. Mine & Explosive Detection Angel Paws received a $3500.00 donation from Mission K9 Rescue; Mine & Explosive Detection Angel Paws received $1350.00 in donations itself from other donors, still not covering costs. CWD Transports and follow on care/boarding/adoptions once in the U.S. are very costly.
Please consider Donating to Mine & Explosive Detection Angel Paws Retirement Rescue to help with costs and Pass on the word so we can Continue to Bring Them Home; no Donation is to small, everything Helps.
Mine & Explosive Detection Angel Paws would like to Thank Everyone who had a vital part in bringing the 11 CWD's Home:
Mine & Explosive Detection Angel Paws would like to Thank Everyone who had a vital part in bringing the 11 CWD's Home:
Thank You All!
All The People Who Donated and Assisted with Fund Raising
Sterling Global Inc
For transferring these Retired CWD's to my Rescue and paying for their medical for travel, all import, export, excess baggage fees & Kennel fees in Dubai
Louise & Crew for all the Logistical and Medical coordination that made the CWD's departure possible from Afghanistan
DKC Kennels & Cattery
Tim & Staff for all their wonderful care and attendance for the CWD's while in transit. A special shout out to Rana for her extra care
Without the Escorts for all these Transports we couldn't do it, they were wonderful and dropped everything to help with the CWD's
Escort Transport 3 Mrs. Cindy S.
Escort Transport 4 Mr. George M.
For transferring these Retired CWD's to my Rescue and paying for their medical for travel, all import, export, excess baggage fees & Kennel fees in Dubai
Louise & Crew for all the Logistical and Medical coordination that made the CWD's departure possible from Afghanistan
DKC Kennels & Cattery
Tim & Staff for all their wonderful care and attendance for the CWD's while in transit. A special shout out to Rana for her extra care
Without the Escorts for all these Transports we couldn't do it, they were wonderful and dropped everything to help with the CWD's
Escort Transport 3 Mrs. Cindy S.
Escort Transport 4 Mr. George M.
Second Transport CWD's from Afghanistan to the United States July 2014
UPDATE: 7 September 2014
Mine & Explosive Detection Angel Paws Retirement Rescue has entered into Fundraising Help with Mission K9 Rescue for the Transport of 10 Contract Working Dogs (CWD's) from Afghanistan. This is Collaborative effort . All donators that have given towards this mission, All money will be going Directly to the Transport of Escorts and Kennels of these Contract Working Dogs. This is going to be a huge transport and this rescue is not non-profit at this time and logistically because of my geographical location it is difficult to do what is needed to fund raise successfully in the time frame needed to bring these CWD's home. Mission K-9 Rescue and Kristen Mauer along with the United States War Dog Association's Ron Aiello have reached out long ago when the logistics of bringing these CWD's started developing. Mission K-9 Rescue will also be handling many of the CWD's Adoptions upon arrival in the United States. I am grateful to Mission K-9 and Kristen Maruer and her staff CWD Carlos & the United States War Dog Association's Ron Aiello |
Update: 2 August 2014 I am planning the next Transport for the Retired Contract Working Dogs (CWD) in Afghanistan. 10 CWD's, see below for pictures of many that will be coming back to the United States soon. This will be a large transport. Sterling Global is paying for the dogs transport to the U.S. The rescue will be responsible for bringing the Escorts and providing Kennels for the dogs. Please spread the word as this is going to be a costly movement, Donations are needed to complete the mission. This rescue was established in August 2013 it is still pending IRS approval for Non Profit Status. Donations will not be tax deductible. Anything will help and spreading the word as well. With everyone's help we can bring these CWD's home.
Mine & Explosive Detection Angel Paws Retirement Rescue is taking possession of 10 Retired Contract Working Dogs from Afghanistan.
First I want to start by Thanking the Contractor Sterling Global, if not for them none of this would be happening. Sterling Global has worked hand in hand with this Rescue to bring these CWD's home. Sterling Global has paid all Medical, Flight costs to Dubai, and Kennel boarding while in transition in Dubai for these CWDs on each transport, without Sterling Global none of this would be possible, this has been a collaborative effort and is no easy task from Afghanistan. I would also like to thank others that have been part of this effort Nowzad the Rescue in Afghanistan has helped greatly with the logistics of the medical and transport out, without them it would have been even more difficult to accomplish. Mission K9 Rescue is also on the U.S. end taking many of these dogs to adopt out, Ron Aiello from the War Dog Association long ago when this process started agreed to take many of these CWD's and Mission K9 Rescue does their adoptions.
Funding is needed for 4 Escorts Air Transportation Costs & for 10 Kennels for the dogs transport.This Rescue in not funded, I do all the coordination for these CWD's for transport from Dubai to the United States and the funding comes from me, in addition to my day job, and I want to do it! This next transport will be for 10 CWD's and I will need help with the funding. I have been doing the costs myself as I am not funded, this is a new Rescue. The rescue was started in August 2013 to save these CWD's that are retired and has done 2 CWD transports and brought back a total of 7 retired CWD's between May and July 2014.
This rescue is pending approval of 501 3 (c) non-profit status from the IRS. The rescue is NOT Non-Profit at this time.
The money i am asking for to be donated will all be going directly to the transportation costs for Air Transportation for 4 Escorts from the U.S. To Dubai and back. The Kennels are next to impossible to get in Afghanistan, I was unable to get them sent, U.S. Mail won't sent because of bulk, on-line shipping sites will not send because of the shipping costs. I have gone to Fed Ex and DHL and they wanted $10,000. & $12,000 dollars respectively for 4 Giant Vari Crates, required for the size of the dogs. It was more financially sound to buy the Kennels in Dubai. I borrowed Kennels from AMK-9 to get the first transport out, and these were only to get them to Dubai, not the right size for transport from Dubai. I flew back from leave with 6 Kennels , @ a cost of $700. picking up the 4 borrowed ones in Dubai, a total of 10 and that cost $1200. to get them back to Afghanistan from Dubai. To ship the dogs Cargo it costs between $4000-$6000 per dog versus taking them as excess baggage on an Escorts Ticket at a cost of $200-$350 per dog depending on the airline. To buy and Escorts ticket is anywhere from $1500-$2000 depending on when you buy the ticket and can cost more, it is all timing with the Airlines. Upon Arrival in the U.S. Mission K9 Rescue will be handling most of the Adoptions for these CWD's for this Rescue. They have already taken one from the last Transport, Nero.
Any Donations to help bring back these CWD's is greatly appreciated as well as Sharing this with others, no Donation is too small, everything will help. All Donations will go directly to getting these CWD's Home to the United States.
With your help we can bring these Civilian Soliders/CWD's Home.
Thank You,
Frances Reilly
Mine & Explosive Detection Angel Paws Retirement Rescue.
Mine & Explosive Detection Angel Paws Retirement Rescue is taking possession of 10 Retired Contract Working Dogs from Afghanistan.
First I want to start by Thanking the Contractor Sterling Global, if not for them none of this would be happening. Sterling Global has worked hand in hand with this Rescue to bring these CWD's home. Sterling Global has paid all Medical, Flight costs to Dubai, and Kennel boarding while in transition in Dubai for these CWDs on each transport, without Sterling Global none of this would be possible, this has been a collaborative effort and is no easy task from Afghanistan. I would also like to thank others that have been part of this effort Nowzad the Rescue in Afghanistan has helped greatly with the logistics of the medical and transport out, without them it would have been even more difficult to accomplish. Mission K9 Rescue is also on the U.S. end taking many of these dogs to adopt out, Ron Aiello from the War Dog Association long ago when this process started agreed to take many of these CWD's and Mission K9 Rescue does their adoptions.
Funding is needed for 4 Escorts Air Transportation Costs & for 10 Kennels for the dogs transport.This Rescue in not funded, I do all the coordination for these CWD's for transport from Dubai to the United States and the funding comes from me, in addition to my day job, and I want to do it! This next transport will be for 10 CWD's and I will need help with the funding. I have been doing the costs myself as I am not funded, this is a new Rescue. The rescue was started in August 2013 to save these CWD's that are retired and has done 2 CWD transports and brought back a total of 7 retired CWD's between May and July 2014.
This rescue is pending approval of 501 3 (c) non-profit status from the IRS. The rescue is NOT Non-Profit at this time.
The money i am asking for to be donated will all be going directly to the transportation costs for Air Transportation for 4 Escorts from the U.S. To Dubai and back. The Kennels are next to impossible to get in Afghanistan, I was unable to get them sent, U.S. Mail won't sent because of bulk, on-line shipping sites will not send because of the shipping costs. I have gone to Fed Ex and DHL and they wanted $10,000. & $12,000 dollars respectively for 4 Giant Vari Crates, required for the size of the dogs. It was more financially sound to buy the Kennels in Dubai. I borrowed Kennels from AMK-9 to get the first transport out, and these were only to get them to Dubai, not the right size for transport from Dubai. I flew back from leave with 6 Kennels , @ a cost of $700. picking up the 4 borrowed ones in Dubai, a total of 10 and that cost $1200. to get them back to Afghanistan from Dubai. To ship the dogs Cargo it costs between $4000-$6000 per dog versus taking them as excess baggage on an Escorts Ticket at a cost of $200-$350 per dog depending on the airline. To buy and Escorts ticket is anywhere from $1500-$2000 depending on when you buy the ticket and can cost more, it is all timing with the Airlines. Upon Arrival in the U.S. Mission K9 Rescue will be handling most of the Adoptions for these CWD's for this Rescue. They have already taken one from the last Transport, Nero.
Any Donations to help bring back these CWD's is greatly appreciated as well as Sharing this with others, no Donation is too small, everything will help. All Donations will go directly to getting these CWD's Home to the United States.
With your help we can bring these Civilian Soliders/CWD's Home.
Thank You,
Frances Reilly
Mine & Explosive Detection Angel Paws Retirement Rescue.
UPDATE: 30 July 2014: The Second Transport for Mine & Explosive Detection Angel Paws Retirement Rescue Started on 22 July from Afghanistan; 3 of the scheduled 4 dogs made it out. This transport was riddled with issues and problems for various reasons. I will be addressing the problems with the Airlines involved, if anyone has any questions or comments please email me below and I will address you personally. The CWD's Retired made it to the United States 26 July 2014.
First I would like to thank the people who through a collaborative effort it would have never happened if all these people and organizations were not involved:
Thank You to Sterling Global the contractor for these CWD's and for retiring and transferring CWD's NERO, LARA, & DEA to this rescue and paying for their transport back to the United States as well as their Kennel stay during the transition in Dubai.
Thank You to my Escort Ken B for all you did and went through during this transport, I know it was not easy and very trying at best, this wouldn't have happened without you providing the Escort for these wonderful retirees!
Thank You to NOWZAD, Louise, Pen, & Staff for all their logistical help and support in arranging the transport out of Afghanistan for these CWD's and the necessary blood and paperwork and coordination that went into getting them out: or
Thank You to DKC Kennels in Dubai for taking such good care of these wonderful CWD's while transitioning through the UAE and taking care of all the logistical paperwork to transport them to the United States: or
Thank You to Mission K9 Rescue and Kristen Mauer for all the support and who will be handling the adoptions for Nero and other CWD's in future transports. Kristen meet my Escort at the Airport in Houston Texas to pick up Nero, Nero was in bad shape from the trip and Kristen noticed he was bloating, she immediately took him to an Emergency Vet and they did surgery right away, without her quick actions Nero would probably not be here. I owe her and Mission K9 a debt of gratitude that words cannot express! I'd also like to Thank Cay who Kristen had lined up to meet the escort as she was out of town when the arrival was supposed to happen! or
UPDATE: 13 July 2014: The second Transport for this rescue & for the Retired Contract Working Dogs (CWD) is being planned and they will be departing Afghanistan soon for the United States. CWD Lara, Nero, Rosa, & Dea will be heading to their new lives shortly. Updates once safely in the United States. Scroll through page and see what has been happening with Mine & Explosive Detection Angel Paws Retirement Rescue. Mission K-9 Services will be helping with the Adoption of some of the Retired CWD's they handle the War Dog Association's Adoption's and The War Dog Association offered to take and adopt some of the Retiring CWD's.
The next few CWD transports are also being organized the following CWD to be Retired K-9's will be traveling later in the year to the United States.
Thank You to Sterling Global for releasing MDD/EDD Retired Contract Working Dog's Ada, Cita, Spidi, and Urana upon their retirement to this Rescue. Sterling Global payed for Transport from Afghanistan to the United States for these Retired CWD's. The 4 Retired Contract Working Dogs departed Afghanistan on 15 May 2014 en route to the United States via Dubai UAE. The tremendous support from Louise at Nowzad @ and crew organizing the required blood work and transportation out of Afghanistan and that of Tim and Staff at DKC Kennels in Dubai without all these organizations involved we couldn't have done it, their knowledge and experience and love of animals was truly an irreplaceable asset! I arrived in Dubai on 18 May to Escort the 4 CWD Retiree's. This was the first transport for Mine & Explosive Detection Angel Paws Retirement Rescue taking these wonderful retired Contract Working Dogs to their new home in the United States, one of many to come. On 20 May we all arrived at Dubai International Airport ready for our flight to the United States and a new life for these 4 retirees. I also would like to thank Mr. Jeff L. from Akron Ohio, he heard about what the rescue was doing and offered to help. Mr. Jeff has done Greyhound Rescue for 20 years and his help and experience were a huge asset in Homing Spidi. Ada has found a home in Virginia, Cita & Urana are at another wonderful home in Virginia also. Below are some pictures of the Journey. The next transport is already being organized for 4 more CWD Retirees will post more soon.
NON-PROFIT Pending IRS approval
EIN # 463349082
Established Board Of Directors
EIN # 463349082
Established Board Of Directors